
KubeSphere provides an easy-to-use console with the awesome user experience that allows you to quickly get started with various functions. KubeSphere integrates workload management, DevOps delivery, multi-tenant management, rich monitoring, service and network management, application scheduling, infrastructure management, image registry management, etc. It also supports multiple open source storage products and high-performance cloud storage services.

The following modules elaborate on the KubeSphere services from a professional point of view.

Workload Management

KubeSphere provides a wizard-like UI for many kinds of workloads including Deployments, DaemonSets, StatusfulSets, Jobs, CronJobs management, as well as Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) and container health checking support.

DevOps Delivery

  • Provide a visual CI/CD pipeline that enables users to build their CI/CD workflow or based on the built-in Jenkinsfile repository
  • Support for end-to-end pipeline, including source code repositories (GitHub / SVN / Git)
  • Built-in Pod Template (such as Go, nodejs, maven), supports for deploying applications to Kubernetes
  • Provide complete log to record every process of CI/CD Pipeline


  • Role-based access control to ensure fine-grained security
  • Support for standard AD / LDAP protocol to achieve centralized authentication
  • Nodes and images will be fully scanned so that vulnerabilities can be detected in advance.

Multi-dimensional Monitoring

Through the built-in monitoring center, it provides users with multi-dimensional monitoring, including clusters, workspaces, projects, workloads/Pod, and containers.

  • It presents real-time monitoring metrics, including node status, CPU, memory and storage usage, disk throughput, Pod status, inode utilization, network bandwidth, support for both real-time and historical metrics searching.
  • Be able to integrate with the enterprise's own monitoring system.
  • The built-in monitoring service supports high availability, and alarm service will be available in v2.0.0.
  • It supports to view resource usage ranking.

Service and Network Management

  • It provides wizard-style UI for Service and Ingress management, and exposing applications externally is much easier for users.
  • It supports for integrating with QingCloud load balancer.

Application Management

  • Ability to support one-click deployment from App templates, and support to manage deployed applications.
  • Using OpenPitrix as the backend repository services to provide users with full application lifecycle management features.

Infrastructure Management

  • Provide StorageClass, node, cluster, and resource quota management.
  • Support for mainstream open source storage solutions, such as GlusterFS, Ceph RBD, as well as QingCloud Block Storage and QingStor NeonSAN, etc.
  • Support for image registry management, image security scanning, etc.

Image Management

Ability to manage built-in Harbor image registry, support to add Docker Hub or Private Harbor image registry.

Configuration Management

  • Provide centralized management of custom configuration, support for configuration history query
  • Enable different application configuration (e.g., Environment Variable, Port Management, ConfigMap and Secret, health check, credentials, service configuration.)